Flood Insurance: What Homeowners Need to Know

Insurance Blog

A flood can be a devastating event for homeowners, causing significant property damage. Unfortunately, standard homeowner's insurance policies don't typically cover flood damage. That's where flood insurance comes in. 

What Is Flood Insurance?

Flood insurance is a type of insurance designed to cover property damage caused by flooding. It's typically purchased as a separate policy from your standard homeowner's insurance policy. Flood insurance is available through a federal program that provides flood insurance at affordable rates. It's also available through private insurance companies that offer their own flood insurance policies.

What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

Flood insurance covers property damage caused by water that has entered your home from outside. Water includes flooding caused by heavy rain, snowmelt, or rising rivers or streams. It typically covers damage to the structure of your home, such as walls, floors, and ceilings, as well as damage to your personal belongings, such as furniture and appliances. It's important to note that not all types of water damage are covered by flood insurance. Damage caused by water that enters your home from a broken pipe or leaky roof, for example, is typically covered under your standard homeowner's insurance policy.

Why Is Flood Insurance Essential for Homeowners in Flood-Prone Areas?

If you live in a flood-prone area, flood insurance is essential. If you have a mortgage and live in a high-risk flood area, you may be required to purchase flood insurance. Even if you don't live in a high-risk flood area, it's still a good idea to consider purchasing flood insurance. 

How Much Does Flood Insurance Cost?

The cost of flood insurance varies based on several factors, including the level of risk for flooding in your area, the value of your home and belongings, and the amount of coverage you select. However, this can vary significantly depending on where you live and the specific details of your policy.

How Do I Purchase Flood Insurance?

To purchase flood insurance, you can contact your insurance agent. If you're purchasing flood insurance through the NFIP, there is typically a waiting period before your policy takes effect. This means that you won't be covered for any flooding that occurs within the waiting period after purchasing your policy.

Flood insurance is an essential type of insurance for homeowners in flood-prone areas. While it's not typically included in a standard homeowner's insurance policy, it can provide critical coverage in the event of a flood. By understanding what flood insurance is, what it covers, and how to purchase it, homeowners can take steps to protect their property and finances from the devastating effects of flooding.


27 December 2023

Insurance Tips for People of All Ages

I still remember the first time I had to chose an insurance policy; I was 17 years old and had just saved up enough money to afford my very first car. I was so excited to begin driving, but overwhelmed with all of the different auto insurance options. My father helped me chose a full-coverage policy that would cover the cost of my car if it were to become damaged in an accident. When I inevitably caused a small fender-bender as a new driver, my insurance company paid for my car repairs, so it sure was the best policy for me! Now that I am older and have learned a lot about home insurance and other types of insurance, I thought I would make a blog to help others who need insurance advice, like what my dad gave me. I hope I can help you make wise insurance decisions!