Can You Lower Your Car Insurance Rates After An Accident?

Insurance Blog

If you were recently in a car accident, you might be concerned that your auto insurance rates will increase. Although that is a valid concern, all hope is not necessarily lost. Even if you caused the accident, it may still be possible to lower your rates. 

Here are some different ways to lower your car insurance rates after an accident. 

Ask About Accident Forgiveness 

Even the most responsible drivers can get into car accidents. Many insurance companies are realizing that and offering accident forgiveness. If this is your first accident, you may want to ask your insurance company about accident forgiveness. Having accident forgiveness can definitely make you feel more at ease after an accident. You do not have to worry about your rates skyrocketing.

Take a Defensive Driving Course

If you were in an accident, it may be a wise move to take a defensive driving course. In this class, you will learn how to be a safer driver so that you can reduce your risk of another accident. If your insurance provider sees that you are proactive about taking the course, they might not increase your rates.

Increase Your Deductible

There is always a chance that your insurance company may still raise your rates after a car accident. However, you do have the option of increasing your deductible. Just be sure that you have the funds to pay the higher deductible should you get into another accident.

Reduce Your Coverage

If you are looking to decrease your insurance rates after a car accident, think about reducing your coverage. For instance, if you have an older car that is already paid for, you might not need comprehensive or collision coverage.

Look for Other Discounts

Just because you have been in an accident, does not mean that you can't take advantage of discounts. You might qualify for several car insurance discounts. You just have to ask about them. For example, if you are retired and do not drive your vehicle often, you may qualify for a low-mileage discount.

If you have safety features on your vehicle, like anti-lock brakes or anti-theft devices, you may also be able to score a discount.

As you can see, it is still possible to reduce your insurance rates after an accident. If you have additional questions about reducing your insurance premiums, you may want to get in touch with your car insurance agent soon.


18 May 2023

Insurance Tips for People of All Ages

I still remember the first time I had to chose an insurance policy; I was 17 years old and had just saved up enough money to afford my very first car. I was so excited to begin driving, but overwhelmed with all of the different auto insurance options. My father helped me chose a full-coverage policy that would cover the cost of my car if it were to become damaged in an accident. When I inevitably caused a small fender-bender as a new driver, my insurance company paid for my car repairs, so it sure was the best policy for me! Now that I am older and have learned a lot about home insurance and other types of insurance, I thought I would make a blog to help others who need insurance advice, like what my dad gave me. I hope I can help you make wise insurance decisions!